Well written! It would be nice if this could be put into a short phrase that could become a meme.
Also, given the substantial difference in risk of harm from COVID19, due primarily to age (risk of hospitalization and death are exponential with age), a good message would be that at risk people wear good "masks" - really respirators - like fitted N95's - when they are in risky situations.
Missing from most public health interventions (and off the topic of your article) is the great importance of ventilation and or filtration. If you are outdoors and not right next to an infected person, your odds of catching it are essentially zero. If you make indoor air like outdoor air, the same rule applies. But this is almost completely ignored, in favor of vaccination. Vaccination reduces risk to the person vaccinated, but is not very effective (with current vaccines) in cutting community transmission. It does reduce it, but not enough that vaccines should be the primary control mechanism.