Too many people, including silo viki, give far more credit than is due to Russian influence op-erations in the US. Yes, they had some agents, but no, they didn't affect the 2016 elections. And likewise, they didn't subvert the NRA, which remains true to its mission of supporting firearms and self defense rights of Americans.
What you see on the American right is homegrown, and is a reaction to the radicalization of the left, and it's long march through the institutions, to where it controls the media (news and entertainment), education (especially at the university level), and strongly influences large corporations. That the Russians might try to capitalize on that reaction is natural, but their actual influence is not significant.
The most successful Russian (and Soviet) influence operations in the US were under the communists. They had a quite influential "fifth column" operating all the way through the end of the Cold War The effect of this infiltration is still felt to a large extent today, in some of the left wing politics, especially in Hollywood (where I knew one of the communists and is related to another).