This is a pathetic attempt to equate US brutalities to those of the Axis powers (not to mention the Japanese). The same sort of propaganda was used against the US in the Vietnam War.
In any large war, there will be occasional atrocities. But, the US did not have those as a matter of policy (see below for possible exception). Other countries, including the Nazi's at times, and especially the Russians and Japanese engaged routinely in atrocities, often as policy. The North Vietnamese used atrocities against both civilians and soldiers are part of their war policy.
The US did not do this. One could argue that the bombings of cities - especially the fire bombings in Japan - qualified.
But, the bombings in Europe were always aimed at military targets (which included industry).
The fire bombings of Japan, and the nuclear bombings, were aimed at both military targets and the general population. But in Japan, by policy, the entire population was to resist any invasion or occupation - all were soldiers except for children.
I suspect my Japanese relatives might have a stronger opinion on that, but it's clear that the nuclear bombings saved many lives. The massive firebombings are more questionable.