The modern left is getting more and more totalitarian. They punish speech they dislike (cancel culture); they constantly expand government, which only works by coercion; the Biden Administration and some state governments intentionally violate the Constitution, knowing that they'll get there way (and do their damage) for some time before the courts get around to striking it down.
They have engaged in egregious law fare against opponents. For example, most Jan 6 violators were mere trespassers, some without even knowing it. And yet many spent a year or more in pretrial detention.
Trump, who is far from ideal, is currently being prosecuted on felony counts for behavior which is, at worse, minor misdemeanors. And that's just one trial. They are going after him for being careless with classified documents - which indeed is criminal conduct. But they never prosecuted Hillary, whose carelessness was worse and, per intelligence agencies, led to highly sensitive intelligence being obtained by out adversaries. They are ignoring Biden's carelessness with classified documents, leaving them in a number of different places, unguarded and unsecured, often for years. And Biden, while not in office, showed those documents to others not cleared for them.
This double standard - going after Trump while letting Hillary and Biden off the hook - is one hallmark of autocracy: selective use of the law.
Meanwhile, federal agencies under both Biden and Obama issued regulation after regulation, many strong interfering with individual freedoms.
Yes, it is the left that is autocratic, and if left to their desires, totalitarian. And many on the left will be shocked when they discover that their freedoms also are lost.