The article starts out with a shameful straw-man argument, stereotyping men who are against unlimited abortion as completely ignorant.
That is either an intentional slander, or a demonstration of the utter ignorance of the author.
There are many men who believe that unborn children have rights, and that at a minimum, the conflict between their right to live and the mother’s right to her health needs to be mediated. The modern “pro-choice” trend is to utterly ignore the right of the child, assuming in the face of science that the child is merely a blob of flesh, not a human being, until magic occurs at the moment of birth, and the blob of flesh is transformed into a human being. In order to further this goal, they deny not only the child any rights at all, but also the father. In their narrow view, the only person with any rights in the situation is the woman carrying the child.
There are many positions between an outright ban on all abortion and the current regime where abortion, in the US, is available right up to the moment of birth, if the mother merely claims mental discomfort (the “health” of the mother clause). It is also true that the US has the most liberal abortion laws of first world nations, better aligned with North Korea than with Europe in that regard.
In order to have dialog, one must have understanding. But the author, and the abortion rights extremists, are not interested in either. They want one thing: the right for the mother to kill the child right up until birth, or even beyond according to some.
Polls show, however, that to be a radical opinion, shared by a small percentage of American adults. Most are somewhere in between the murder of a child who would survive if born (prematurely) and an outright prohibition. That fact — the moderate views that show up in the polls — is also obscured by the pro-choice side.
As the grandfather of a child born prematurely, I find the current rhetoric from the “pro-choice” activists to represent a horrendous, anti-human position. My grandchild, by the way, will grow up to be a woman, since she will have that choice, unlike others murdered in the womb at the age where she was born.