The article demonstrates the mis-education of young Americans. In an era where power disparities are at an all time low, we see identity politics at an all time high. Intersectionalism — judging someone by not only their color or their sex but by the combinations of those — is uncritically accepted by people such as the author of this piece.
She is right about one thing… there is some increased radicalization of white men. It is an utterly predictable consequence of their unfair demonization. It is also one of the hoped for outcomes by the Alinskyite scum who push this modern far left nonsense. It is hard to keep power over fools like Valenti when there are no enemies to point at, so when a few men over-react and become as bad as Valenti and her crowd — well, that’s just what they need.
The ideology derives from the crypto-Marxism of the Frankfurt school. This way of thinking reduces human beings to cogs in a gigantic machine — the “victims” (or “oppressed” or whatever) have no agency, and neither do their “oppressors.”
I doubt the author realizes that her sort of thinking is what inevitably leads to real oppression — to dictatorship, to censorship, to the end of freedom. And, that’s what those pushing this want, since they imagine, given their ignorance of history, that they will end up on top of the heap.