Stay focused on the NRA. That way you won’t notice all the other groups fighting gun restrictions.
After every hyped shooting, support for some form of gun control goes up. But, it doesn’t get very far except in freedom hating blue states. The fact is that guns are very highly regulated.
Another uncomfortable fact, almost always ignored by the gun control folks, is that almost all of the mass shootings of strangers took place in “gun free zones.” To killers, these are “free fire zones.” Mass killers have been stopped a number of times by gun wielding citizens. Usually they commit suicide when facing armed opposition, but others have been shot to stop them.
Mass killers seek out gun free zones — this was demonstrated in the Aurora theater killing, where the shooter drove past a number of theaters that allowed guns and were showing the same film, to attack a theater that disallowed firearms.
It is not surprising that it’s a political science professor writing this article, which clearly favors increased gun control. Academics are far removed from ordinary life, and are almost entirely on the political left.
As a person who once defended myself (prior to my military service), using a semi-automatic rifle, I have no intention of supporting feel-good measures that do nothing but restrict the right to self defense of ordinary citizens.