So now you are experiencing what the right has been dealing with for years: highly biased media of various sorts, all providing disinformation against us.
And, right now, we have a President who lies about us all the time. I heard several today. They were inflammatory, the sort of accusations that extremists could use to justify violent attacks on right wing politicians or individuals.
Plus, both sides have radicalized. The right radicalization is a direct response to the left's tyrannical radicalization - to Antifa, to open borders, to BLM's lies, and to the left's ever changing dicing up of the population based on race, gender, sexual preference, or whatever else they can find to divide us a sow hate.
None of this means the radicalization on the right is appropriate. But you guys started it, and are continuing it with your information warfare.
You didn't mention, but there have been two violent attacks by leftists against Congress members - the attempted assassination of Republican house leadership, which left Steve Scalise with critical gunshot wounds; and the attack on Rand Paul which put him in the hospital. There was the attempted assassination of Brett Kavanaugh, after the vicious disinformation campaign by the left to prevent his nomination (just like they did against Justice Thomas and Judge Bork).
And, you didn't mention the left's excusing of the 100 days of Antifa attacks on the Federal Building - a direct attack on our government and democracy - and their terrorizing of others on the right including a politician relative of mine. You ignore the left's deciding that crime should pay - with "defund the police" and the left's extreme district attorneys, who let almost everyone loose rather than prosecute.