It is sad how poorly educated but thoroughly indoctrinated our youth are.
"capitalism steals EVERYTHING from us" is a remarkably ignorant statement. "Capitalism gave us everything we have" would be more accurate.
The author picks on one issue, sees it through a very short term lens, and concludes that capitalism is the problem. No - using Noam Chomsky and the like for your education is the problem.
The reason for the rise in housing prices is the federal governments' monetary actions that keep interest rates low. Since most people finance most of their house purchase, they are acutely sensitive to interest rates which determine much of their monthly payment. With interest rates low, it is natural that they are willing to pay more.
It is also the fact that people are leaving crowded living after experiencing a pandemic. That drives up the demand.
And, for the areas with the most rapid rises, it is economic refugees from the states that have the least capitalistic policies, such as California, again driving up demand.
Now I'm sure the author believes that the laws of supply and demand don't have anything to do with this. It's all evil capitalists.