If you frame it that way — “bog standard fascist rhetoric” — you brand yourself as a hysteric, or a propagandist.
How do *you* define CRT? My bet: something benign, not what CRT really is. Where did you get your definition? My bet: propaganda from those pushing CRT, or beliefs based on that propaganda.
CRT teaches that we should judge people based on their race, and that the white race is bad. That sounds pretty damned racist to me, and thoroughly anti-American. CRT is diametrically opposed to Martin Luther King’s views, as expressed eloquently in his “I Have A Dream” speech, but heck, he’s probably just a token black to them, not the most important civil rights leader of the struggle against racism.
Oh, and what do you think of Antifa? As one whose relative was harassed and threatened by them, and one who has interviewed, photographed and written a media article about them, I know their ilk: fascists in disguise — people who have already sanctified the use of violence in support of their cause.
As to the “red under every bed” — I knew a couple of those reds myself — Hollywood writers who had sworn allegiance to the USSR, which is what you did when you joined the Communist party. Sure, some of the anti-communism went too far, and that was a great gift to communists, since it discredited the anti-communism movement.
I am not a fan of Carlson’s exaggeration, although he was reasonable to me when I was on his show a few years ago. But that’s a long ways from the characterizations of those of us on the right as a bunch of fascists.