I keep hearing that humans cannot adapt. I live in Phoenix, Arizona, and during our monsoon season, our wet bulb temperature is often high at the same time as the outside temperature is weill over a hundred.
Funny, we adapted. Funny, so did the prehistoric residents who didn't have refrigerative air conditioners.
But we live in a modern world, so we have technology to help us adapt.
Those who constant harp on the CO2 issue rarely offfer solutions to the issue that will work. The fundamental problem is that we can rant, rave, rent our shirts, and wreck our economies in the west, and China and India will do whatever they want. Furthermore, energy use is strongly correlated with prosperity, and billions currrently live in energy poverty - they need to be able to use more energy.
The best technological solution is nuclear, because intermittent sources (wind and solar) cannot reliably provide the electricity for any modern society.
For transportation, if we have indexpensive nuclear, we can use hydrogen. Batteries require too many resources from highly polluting sources. Hydrogen has a relatively low energy efficiency, but if energy is low cost, that is less of a problem.