"He is selling his $2 trillion plan as a middle-class jobs program, but it’s also a weapon for economic war"
It's a "weapon for economic war" all right - war against the taxpayers. This sort of program doesn't produce jobs - it moves jobs from more productive use. But at this level of spending, it also beggars workers through the resulting inflation and economic catastrophe.
This is an example of socialist thinking - the government can make magic happen by just willing it and throwing tons of money. The free market system is far more efficient at allocating funds and producing innovation and product.
Government can help with basic research, with emphasis on "basic." The rest of this is just a waste.
EV's will likely become more possible, if the very real disadvantages can be overcome - cost of batteries, and charging time. But remember - the electricity still has to come from somewhere. EV's by themselves don't make energy.
Also, for all we know, hydrogen will turn out to be the best energy transport, as opposed to electricity. A $2,000,000,000,000 bet on the wrong technology will be true folly.