Economy is a weak science. Climate prediction is far weaker. We have plans to beggar the world through huge costs of CO2 emissions reduction, based on computer models that cannot forecast the weather two weeks in advance.
Yes, the same modeling technique and most of the same software code is used to forecast climate decades into the future as is used to forecast weather.
CO2 increases will, all else being equal, increase the temperature. But the models come up with positive feedback which increases it far more than physics suggests. In other words, the "equilibrium climate sensitivity" comes from these dodgy models, not from radiate physics, which gives a far smaller number.
Also, the earth has been warming for a several hundred years. And yet that warming almost stopped for the first two decades of the 21st century. Until the records were "normalized," the highest temperatures were recorded in the 1930's.
Beyond that, if you look at the proposed solutions, they fail analysis. Wind and solar are far more expensive than their proponents suggest - as soon as you account for their impact on grid stability, and the resulting costs of backup power. Ask Germany, very green, very much dependent on wind energy, why they are building coal power plants and have decided not to shut down their last three nuclear plants. And this is a country with one of the highest costs of electricity in the world.
The people "so utterly blinded by their beliefs" are the CO2 cultists.