By implying that all Trump supporters will support violence, the author is being hysterical. As a former Trump supporter who remains thankful for what he achieved while in office, I know plenty who still support him. I know none who support violence.
Yes, there are some extremists on the right, and a few might engage in violence. But there are also active extremists on the left, who have engaged in far more dangerous insurrections - attempting to occupy and destroy federal court houses as part of a stated plan to replace our government.
This is the real Antifa - not anti-fascists, but anarcho-communist fascists. They have killed political opponents, and injured many more. They seek to shut down debate.
The author and followers should also consider the following: none, not one, of the insurrectionists who invaded the US Capitol carried firearms. Given that the vast majority of those people no doubt owned firearms, that should give real pause to the hysterical.
Furthermore, few of those who went into the Capitol engaged in any violence, nor did they plan to. Many were not even aware that they were violating the law. There were a few agitators, most of whom were indeed on the right. But one was a known Antifa agitator, who filmed himself egging on the invaders, right at the place where one was shot in a shooting where no investigation has ever been made public, nor the officer doing the shooting identified.
The invasion of the Capitol was wrong. But the hysteria around it demonstrates how great a gift it was to the left in the US - allowing them to howl about the threat from the right, which allows them to cover from the more dangerous threat from the left.
So both sides have extremists. violent extremists. Only one side - the left - excuses and abets their violence.