At this point, let’s just discuss facts.
Your “body count” for “alt-right” uses remarkably creative labeling. I know of no killings by the alt-right, although many have some deplorable attitudes. I do know of mass killings by people with all sorts of different attitudes, from islamofascist, to left wing (Dayton), to sort-of eco-nationalist weirdness (El Paso), to anti-semitic, to vaguely right wing,although the ones I am aware of (outside of Charlottseville) were also eco-nuts ( Christchurch, El Paso), and eco-nuttery is firmly on the left side of American politics.. And, of course, mass killings are not a good metric.
But there are certainly violent folks associated with the right, as there are with the left. Those do not include neo-Nazi’s, who are not on the right and are despised by us.
I don’t know who the three percenters are, nor Matt Shea. So, I cannot comment on them.
Andy Ngo is a conservative journalist. Hannoi Hannah was a propagandist for an enemy nation. That you can conflate the two shows surprising lack of discernment, but so does creating a huge bag labeled “alt-right” and tossing various random nuts and weirdos into it.
Is Andy Ngo more of a propagandists than the average reporter for the New York Times or the Washington Post? No, he is not.
I notice that you ignore the fact that throwing a milkshake on anyone is assault, and doing so in a political context, where they might reasonably believe it to be dangerous (since the Portland police reported it), is terrorism.
Can you show me video of a right wing group shutting down a speech by left wingers?
So, is it okay to throw a milkshake onto someone whose views you dislike?
Is it okay for political groups to commit vandalism and arson as part of their tactics?
It it more fascist to espouse controversial views, or to use violence and threats of violence to silence the opposition — as Antifa has done, successfully in too many cases — over the last couple of years.
Is it more fascist to beat up those you disagree with, or to espouse loathesome racist views?
What do you think of heavily armed Antifa — such as in the video I provided to you? Are they the good guys?
I have yet to hear you say a single bad word about Antifa. The same cannot be said about my comments on alt-right or neo-Nazis or racists, whom I despise whether on the right or the left, although today, the vast majority of racist sentiment comes from the left.