As for false reporting, blah blah, I have personally overheard masked Antifa members discussing how they would use violence to attack those they oppose. I also heard them deny that, shortly afterwards, when asked by members of the press — saying that they would only use violence to defend themselves. Then I saw them attack the police a couple of hours later.
I don’t just go on what I read, I investigate myself.
Regarding Ngo, you are justifying violence against a journalist you do not approve of. It sounds like you *are* Antifa.
The milkshake story is not BS — not in Europe. Furthermore, it is assault to dump a milkshake on someone without their permission, even if it is just a milkshake. That’s the law — you should look it up before you try it, although I assume that, like the Antifa cowards you support, that you would wear a mask so you won’t get caught.