Are those doctors aware that they will be efficient spreaders of the disease for up to two days before they feel any symptoms, and thus may kill others? Are they aware of a “long covid” rate of up to 30% among survivors? 50% of the spread of COVID is from asymptomatic and especially pre-symptomatic people.
Can the makers give a correct assessment of the long term risks of the vaccine — well, can you or anyone else give a correct assessment of the long term risks of the disease itself? They are almost certainly far higher than that of the vaccine, since the vaccine just provides the body a little bit of the antigenic surface of the virus, while the real disease provides a much greater amount of antigen, and a greater variety (which can lead to antibody dependence enhancement in a future infection)?
And, without the vaccines, almost everyone will get the virus, and be exposed to all the genetic (well, mRNA) material the vaccine contains anyway.
I do not respect those doctors. They are endangering their patients with their ignorance, and they endanger others through the message they spread.
And it is not totalitarian to not respect someone for a decision. That isn’t even close, or we would all have been living in totalitarianism for our entire lives.