Another hysterical, uninformed article by Mr. Haque, who appears to have momentarily visited America from another planet.
“Authoritarians are demonstrating their absolute power to destroy the daily workings of democracy.” — Where was he when the Obama Administration used the IRS to suppress conservative get-out-the-vote efforts? The IRS just won a lawsuit and had to pay not only damages, but massive attorney fees, for its assault on democracy. Where was he when the Obama Administration ruled by fiat — using executive orders to override US immigration law, environmental law… pretty much any law that got in his way?
Where is he when the modern cryscold leftists silence conservative speakers, and demand they not even be allowed on college campuses, for fear that their ideas might hurt the feelings of students who must not be allowed to think, just act? Where is he when Internet monopolies silence dissent, calling it “hate speech” when it is merely a difference from political correcness?
He is right — America is in trouble. It’s democracy and its values are threatened by cryptomarxists like Obama, and budding Red Guard totalitarians in Silicon Valley and on college campuses across the land.
As to the examples he cites of “authoritarianism” — he isn’t citing any oppressive actions, such as squashing dissent. He is citing words that mean nothing.
Haque is a fool, a dangerous one if people give his views credence. It is people like him that will lead us into a blind 1984-style totalitarianism — not Trump.