"Actually, for larger organizations, all you need to do is to organize networks of cooperatives- with decision-making power shared between them on a democratic basis. "
Nice in theory, doesn't actually work. Do you think the coopreratives in China worked, and had power sharing on a democrati basis?
Communism, bit or little C, ignores fundamental aspects of human nature.
"My point about the religious right is about those who seek power over others. "
Do you consider laws against murder "seeking power over others?" How do you deal with murder in your utopia?
"If you oppose abortion, fine, that is your right- but it is enough that you have the right to not have abortions or to personally fund them. The religious right doesn’t leave it at that- it seems to not only ban that procedure- banning it can’t be called anything but an infringement on the autonomy of others"
Abortion is murder, at least at some stage of gestation. Do you accept that fact? Or do you believe that killing an unborn 8 month fetus is just a medical procedure?
To protect against murder, you need to ban it, and punish those who break the ban.
- "but also to punish the poor simply for reproducing, "
As a Catholic, I can tell you that this is simply nonsense. We rejoice when people reproduce, poor or otherwise.
"and to restrict access to contraception, "
That is part of the teaching of the Catholic Church, as contraception is unnatural and goes against family. I don't mind if you disagree with it, but it needs to be understood in context. The church has a holistic view of mankind and families. Reproductive behavior is a key part of it.
"in other to words to leave those physically capable of bearing children with no means of avoiding that other than celibacy. "
Not true. There are natural ways of avoiding conception that the Church allows.
"Worse, the same people who oppose both abortion and contraception often support forcibly sterilizing poor women"
This is *absolutely* false, and is a terrible slander - hate speech against Catholics! Those who suport forcible sterilization are not Christians, but it is something that Communist societies have done.
I know of no Christians who support forcible sterilization.
You seem very ignorant of the pro-life position, as oposed to false stereotypes pushed by those who hate religious practice.